
ADR Automotive Division fulfills the needs for automotive components in Indonesia and worldwide through 6 Manufacturing Companies and 3 Distribution Companies.

    PT Selamat Sempurna Tbk

    Since 1976

    PT Selamat Sempurna Tbk. (SMSM) is the flagship of ADR Group (Automotive Division) and currently one of the largest filter and radiator manufacturers in the region. The Company manufactures filters, radiators, oiI coolers, condensers, brake pipes, fuel pipes, fuel tanks, exhaust systems, and press parts. Sakura filter trademark has been registered in more than 100 countries. SMSM has been listed as a public company since 1996, and now is listed in lndonesia Stock Exchange.

    Currently, SMSM owns a 70% share in PT Panata Jaya Mandiri, and also owns a 7.8% share in PT POSCO IJPC, a joint venture company with POSCO and POSCO lnternationaI Corporation, Korea. SMSM owns a 33% share in PT Tokyo Radiator Selamat Sempurna, a joint venture company with Tokyo Radiator Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Japan, a 51% share in PT Hydraxle Perkasa, a 99,99% share in PT Prapat Tunggal Cipta, a 100% share in Bradke Synergies Sdn Bhd. and 44% share in Sure Fitter (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

    Since 2009, SMSM was awarded Primaniyarta Award from the government of Republic of lndonesia as a Global Brand Developer by successfully developing and penetrating its brand in the global market. Since 2006, SMSM has been recognized by the government as a compliant taxpayer.

    For more information, please visit:

    PT Panata Jaya Mandiri

    Since 1983

    PT Panata Jaya Mandiri (PJM) is a joint venture company with Donaldson Company lnc. USA (a worldwide leader in the filtration industry). PJM manufactures filtration products for heavy equipments, gas turbines, industriaI engines, construction equipments, and automotives. Since 2006, PJM has been recognized by the government as a compliant taxpayer.

    PT Hydraxle Perkasa

    Since 1983

    PT Hydraxte Perkasa (HP) began its operation by assembling dump trucks, trailer, mixers and special purpose vehicles. HP subsequently made further investments in a steel centre, tool and die, mould, and machinery centre. ln 2012, PT Selamat Sempurna Tbk become a major shareholder of HP. Since 2010, the Company has been recognized by the government as a compliant taxpayer.

    For more information, please visit:

    PT Dinamikajaya Bumipersada

    Since 1995

    PT Dinamikajaya Bumipersada (DB) specializes in manufacturing engine gasket kits, plastic injection parts, and packaging. DB owns a 1,16% share in PT lkuyo lndonesia, a joint venture company with lkuyo Co. Ltd., Japan. Since 2011, DB has been recognized by the government as a compliant taxpayer.

    PT Rubberindo Unggul Perkasa

    Since 2012

    PT Rubberindo UngguI Perkasa (RUP) manufactures rubber compounds for automotive parts industries.

    PT Prapat Tunggal Cipta

    Since 1994

    PT Prapat Tunggal Cipta (PTC) specializes on the distribution of the Group's products in lndonesian aftermarket sectors. PTC have a branches at Makassar, South Sulawesi; Riau; Surabaya, East Java and Medan, South Sumatera.

    Since 2011, PTC has been recognized by the government as a compliant taxpayer. ln 2013, PT Selamat Sempurna Tbk become a major shareholder of the Company.

    For more information, please visit:

    PT Surya Inti Sarana

    Since 2012

    PT Surya lnti Sarana (SIS) specializes in the distribution of Group's product in East Kalimantan area, for aftermarket sector, in which East Kalimantan is an area that specializes in mining industry.

    PT Mangatur Dharma

    Since 1976

    PT Mangatur Dharma (MD) is represents Donaldson products. lts role in lndonesia is to provide technical sales to various industries, ranging from power plants to oil and gas industries. Since 2012, MD has been recognized by the government as a compliant taxpayer. ln 2024, PT Prapat Tunggal Cipta become a major shareholder of the Company.

    For more information, please visit: